Infosec Summer Virtual Conference 2012

On Thursday 8/9/12 Infosecurity Magazine will be hosting their summer Virtual Conference 2012. If you possess a SSCP®/CISSP® you can also earn CPE credits. Although most virtual conferences are hokey ways to sell a company or organizations products, this security conference looks interesting (but may turn into a means of selling magazine subscriptions, you’ve been warned). Noteworthy pieces include a segment on Hacktivism and an address from Theresa Payton, fmr. White House CIO.

You may have also thought of American Express as the card with the most identify theft attempts made against it (or at least that may be your impression from all those fraud warnings you get in the mail). Dismiss it from your mind, Mike Mitchell – director of merchant data security at American Express – will be gracing us with his presence.

If there’s anything interesting worth noting I’ll post it here. Usually I don’t like advertising events that aren’t really amazing (notably Def Con, Black Hat Briefings, HOPE, LayerOne, ShmooCon, ASIS, etc.), but it’s free and online so who cares? If you’re like me and missed the better conventions this year due to Vegas being too expensive in this economy, security+free is always good.

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